Pagina principală - Home Appliances, Tools and Household Goods - Kitchen Appliances - Kitchen appliances for making drinks - Juicers - ARDESTO - auger juicer, 200W, bowl-0.6L, cake-0.6L, plastic/iron, silver-black

ARDESTO auger juicer, 200W, bowl-0.6L, cake-0.6L, plastic/iron, silver-black

codul produsului: JEG-1330SL
Masticating juicer for juicing a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, berries and even greens and nuts. Low speed juicing technology provides maximum extraction of nutrients without oxidation, with a minimum of waste and pulp. The increased hole for loading allows you to load entire products into the device, this saves the cooking time. The compact size and thoughtful design provide easy and quick cleaning without unnecessary effort.
1699 MDL*
nu este disponibil
* Preț cu amănuntul recomandat
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