2E Gaming OBERON (GX912)

codul produsului: 2E-GX912
The 2E gaming OBERON (GX912) PC case with three built-in tri-colour 120mm LED fans at meshed front panel guarantees the effective cooling of all the internal components and perfectly complements its stylish design. The model is an ideal choice for individual and industrial assembly, thanks to its rationally organized interior space and intuitively simple design. Main body material - steel 0.6 mm and side panel made of acrylic. Mid Tower chassis form-factor is compatible with ATX, Micro ATX, Mini ITX motherboards. PSU is not included. That gives the user an opportunity to choose a PSU on his/her own, depending on the level of the system, installed to the bottom part of the case.
779 MDL*
nu este disponibil
* Preț cu amănuntul recomandat
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