Zalman Megamax power supply price drop!

Pagina principală Promoții Zalman Megamax power supply price drop!
Perioada Promoției: de la 04.09.2024 până la 04.11.2024

Ready for a more powerful, reliable, and energy-efficient PC upgrade? Zalman Megamax power supplies are a great choice! Don’t miss this opportunity to buy quality power supplies at a significant discount.

Why Zalman Megamax?

  • High power and stability
  • 80 PLUS certified energy efficiency
  • Reliable component protection and durability

Hurry up to upgrade your PC!

De asemenea, vă recomandăm:
codul produsului: ZM800-TXII
1199 MDL*
este disponibil
Power: 800 V; Form factor: ATX; Efficiency: 85 %;
codul produsului: ZM500-TXII
789 MDL*
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ZALMAN 80+ MegaMax series of power supplies is a budget offer for systems of medium complexity. Reliable, robust and quiet.
codul produsului: ZM600-TXII
849 MDL*
este disponibil
The ZALMAN 80+ MegaMax series of power supplies is a budget offering for systems of medium complexity. Reliable and quiet.
codul produsului: ZM700-TXII
999 MDL*
este disponibil
The ZALMAN 80+ MegaMax series of power supplies is a budget offering for mid-range systems. Reliable and quiet.
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